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- 5 People in attendance (Derek, William, Anthony, Bill, Scott)
- Moving finances to the Parish Office
- Motion to move forward
- Step 1: Add Queen’s Parish Accountant to the QMC account
- Step 2: Remove unnecessary members from the QMC account
- Voting on 6th grade camp funding
- Requested amount for QMC is $2,235.00
- Field day Discussions
- Food is taken care of Mark K
- June 6th
- Create Sign up genius
- By-Laws
- Adding online polls
- Updating Treasure roll
- Term Lengths
- Update board of directors to 5
- 2023 Raffle (Goal is to have tickets in hand and ready to sell before the start of school)
- Raffle will be November 4th
- Goal is to have tickets in hand before start of school
- Request License
- Determine Total Winning Amount (taxes)
- IRS determines winnings as prize money minus ticket price
- Scott, Anthony, Marc E
- Update Raffle Program with
- 50/50 price and drawings
- Side raffles
- Tote Board prices and format
- Create Check list for afterwards
- Forms for winnings
- Collect Payment from Silent Auction
- Next Meeting: June 7th