- In attendance: Derek, Anthony, Scott
- Immediate Action Items
- Scott to:
- Investigate invoice from Polly’s
- Connect with Kelli for Raffle statement
- Scott to:
- VIRTUS Training
- Need to contact Marla Harvey in the School Office if you are not sure if you need to complete the training course or not
- Planning Summer Painting of Classrooms
- 1st floor rooms (K through 2nd) and possibility Library and Computer Room
- Derek connecting with Anthony and Liz
- Gym Floor
- Derek communicating with Anthony and Liz
- Muffins with Mom
- March 6th
- Utilize William Harvey again
- Scott to connect with William
- March Reading Month
- Annual Expense
- $280 worth of Target gift cards for prizes for each classroom
- $25 Towards third prize winner (pto will help with grand and second place I believe.)
- $300-400 worth of teacher choice books like last year
- $100-$150 in Plinko prizes
- Men’s Club to buy lunch for 1 day during reading month
- Scott wIll coordinate with Liz and Janet
- Annual Expense
Next Meeting: March 6th