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- Conflict with Lumen Football Game 7 & 8 grade – Online voting will be done tonight
- Steve Louis (First Timer!), Bill Playford, Geoff Biela, Scott Engemann
- Discussed Bylaws with a few updates to make
- Discussed the opportunity for a new Treasurer role
- Discussed an early wishlist for the school
- Hiring Professional Painters for the classrooms to be done next summer
- Idea to have Lumen Christi students looking for service hours to help move furniture
- New Books – Will hold off on these for now, not a major priority and would like more details on cost
- New Table and chairs for Conference/Work room
- The room that the former music teacher used as an office is going to be used as a conference room for meetings and a workroom for teachers
- Estimated cost around $1,000
- All present in favor with going forward with this
- New furniture for teachers lounge
- Table, Chairs, end tables, lamps, maybe a comfy chair or two
- Would like to look into options
- New Ductless Air Conditions for specials rooms
- Reading room (Small)
- Math Room (Small)
- Science Lab (Classroom Size)
- Art Room (Classroom Size)
- Scott will communicate with Derek and Bill for options
- Discussed sponsoring a hole at the Ken Dillion Golf Outing
- Handed out some raffle tickets to members to sell
- Scott will communicate with members for distributing raffle tickets