Tag: Fundraising

41st Raffle

41st Raffle

QR Code to Scan and purchase a ticketThe Men’s Club will be hosting our 41st annual Men’s Club Raffle on Saturday, November 2nd. This is our largest fundraiser of the entire year and last year we raised just over $34,000. With a Grand Prize of $10,000, prime rib dinner and open bar, our raffle is nothing short of a good time! Each ticket purchase will allow you and a guest access to our dinner and will enter you in our raffle drawing.

  • Grand Prize is $10,000!
  • Every 10th ticket drawn will win a prize
  • Silent auction of student art work
  • Doors open at 6:00 p.m., Dinner at 7:00 p.m. and Raffle begins at 8:00 p.m.

You DO NOT need to be present to win a raffle prize, that includes the Grand Prize!

Tickets are on sale now and can be purchased at the school office, parish office, or from any Men’s Club member. We can accept cash or checks but if you wish to pay with a debit or charge card, you will need to use our new online system which can be accessed by scanning a QR code with your smart phone or tablet or from your computer by going to the parish’s OSV Hub page and filling out this form. Please note that all purchases done online with a credit/debit card MUST receive their tickets in the mail.


Winners will be notified at the address or phone number on the ticket stub. Intoxicated persons will not be served. Absolutely no B.Y.O.B. allowed! If all 250 tickets are not sold, a different prize may be substituted at the discretion of the Event Chairman.

2023 Raffle

On November 4th, we celebrated our 40th annual Dinner and Raffle. Out of the 8 years that I’ve been involved with the Men’s Club, this year we had the largest attendance that I’ve witnessed. This is a testament to the hard work and dedication of our Men’s Club members. This also clearly shows that you believe in and support our cause, which is supporting the students and staff of Queen of the Miraculous Medal School.

The Raffle is our largest fundraiser of the entire year and takes the most preparation with planning, coordination and selling tickets. There is also the physical aspect of setting up tables and chairs (A big Thank You to Mrs. Hurd’s 6th grade class for helping set up chairs on Friday), hanging banners, sound system, and setting the decor. With all of the tiring work that is involved, we are rewarded and energized by seeing so many people come out to have a great time and support our school. We enjoyed seeing the many familiar faces as well as first time attendees and we hope to see you for many more years to come.

I’m very happy to inform you that this year, we sold out of the 250 tickets BEFORE the day of the raffle. This is a large accomplishment for us and it would not have happened without the hard work of our Men’s Club members and your support and generosity. I do not yet know how much money was raised and will probably not have that total until weeks from now, I can confidently say that a great night was had by everyone!

As much as I would have loved to thank everyone personally for your support and coming out to the Raffle, it is not feasible given the nature of the event and my role. So, on behalf of the Men’s Club and the staff at Queen of the Miraculous Medal School, Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Scott Engemann
President – Queen’s Men’s Club

2022 Raffle

On November 5th, we held our 39th Annual Raffle, which took place in the school gymnasium. Our raffle is by far our largest fundraising event through the entire school year. Tickets were $150 each and with a ticket purchase, two people can attend the raffle and enjoy a prime rib buffet-style dinner and open bar. This also gave access to participate in our side raffle drawings. We also had a silent auction for artwork done by each classroom with the help of our art teacher, Mrs. Bruneel.

We are grateful for your support of the Men’s Club and this event wouldn’t have been a success without it. We hope you had a great time

We also want to thank our sponsors for supporting us and Queen’s School. It means the world to us. Keep an eye out on our Facebook page in the near future for further recognition thank our gratitude.

– Thank You!